Social Harm

Problem Statement: Addressing social harm demands a pragmatic approach! In the contemporary post-Internet era, the landscape of social harms has shifted, necessitating a corresponding adaptation in intervention strategies to mitigate and eradicate these harms. Traditional approaches must be revised to address the evolving nature of social harm. Given the boundless progression of technology, setting limits …
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Cognitive Biases – Confirmation Bias

We all genuinely believe that our beliefs are logical and based on years of our own and others’ experiences. We have derived our beliefs from analyzing data from the outside world. However, we are familiar with the mental tricks known as cognitive biases. In that case, our beliefs are not necessarily the result of logical …
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Cancer and the Unbelievable Connection with Viruses

🎗️ Cancer originates from the abnormal proliferation of body cells and destroys healthy tissues. Nowadays, one of the most significant challenges in medical and human society, particularly in developed countries, is Cancer, which annually threatens the health of millions of people. Cancer is one of the terrifying diseases of the twentieth century, constantly expanding and …
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