Understanding and Overcoming Loneliness in Emotional Relationships

Loneliness can persist even in the presence of a partner, affecting individuals in various relationships. This article explores the causes of loneliness within emotional relationships, drawing insights from experts, and offers solutions to alleviate this distressing emotion. Relationships and psychology expert Gary Brown highlights the prevalence of loneliness in long-term relationships, emphasizing that it can …
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What is Intellectual Maturity?

Many individuals assume that reaching physical maturity automatically implies intellectual maturity. However, many people need more awareness about the meaning and concept of intellectual maturity. Consequently, when confronted with its signs, they fail to perceive any change in others. Regrettably, this type of maturity remains an elusive topic, often clouded by misinformation. Such misinformation may …
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The 10 Most Important Roles of Psychology in Improving Quality of Life

How can psychology enhance the quality of life? Do you believe psychology is solely for students, academics, and psychologists? If so, it’s time to reconsider. Both practical and theoretical psychology find application in various aspects of daily life. While psychological research may not always be easily digestible for the layperson, its outcomes significantly impact daily …
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Effective Strategies for Treating Fatty Liver Disease

Bad eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle significantly increase the risk of developing fatty liver disease. Initially presenting with symptoms such as abdominal pain and discomfort, this condition can progress to more severe symptoms, including fever, nausea, and internal bleeding. The liver, responsible for nutrient absorption and waste removal, naturally contains fat. However, excessive fat …
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Exercise for Diabetes Management

Exercise serves as a potent tool not only for regulating blood sugar levels but also for managing weight and blood pressure concurrently. Moreover, it acts as a barrier against the advancement of pre-diabetes to full-fledged diabetes. Hence, for individuals with diabetes or those at risk, alongside adhering to dietary principles and prescribed medications, engaging in …
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Reducing body fat through exercise

A healthy diet and exercise are the two primary factors most effective for fat loss. Typically, sports science experts recommend engaging in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30-50 minutes daily to achieve weight loss. It’s worth noting that combining calorie restriction with a nutritious diet and a suitable exercise regimen forms an excellent recipe …
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Why can’t I get full no matter how much I eat?

Some individuals constantly feel hungry, which in some cases is considered a medical issue, such as antidepressant medication use, thyroid problems, etc. But in most cases, the main problem is an improper diet and lifestyle, which you can easily control these issues. When you feel hungry, even though you’ve just eaten, your body has the …
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Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Symptoms

Cognitive Aspects Individuals experiencing social anxiety disorder tend to avoid initiating contact with others and shy away from situations where others might scrutinize them due to fear. Their perception of social situations may involve an exaggerated fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or ridiculed, whether real or imagined. They are concerned about how others perceive …
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Obstacles and solutions of Media Literacy with a Look at the relationship between Parents and children

Media outlets don’t wait for us to enter their world; instead, they impose their messages onto ours. Media literacy is the pathway out of this challenge. Introduction Media literacy is a skill-based understanding that enables us to recognize, differentiate, and identify various media and their productions. Organizations active in media literacy, such as UNESCO, the …
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Exercise for shoulder pain and strengthening shoulder muscles

Detailed Shoulder Movements The shoulder joint has a wide range of motion and enables the performance of various activities. Engaging in regular physical activities and corrective movements to strengthen and increase the flexibility of shoulder muscles can prevent injuries. Pay special attention to shoulder health is essential to avoid muscle weakness and injury. Pendulum Movement …
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